The inomed RM system: High precision made in Germany
The Riechert Mundinger (RM) system is the only stereotactic system on the market that offers three fixation points. These result in a very high level of precision and stability of the device. Due to its unique design, the RM forms an uncompromising accuracy in stereotactic surgery. Thus, the RM is considered the most precise stereotactic system in the world.
inomed’s RM system is based on the polar coordinate principle, which was developed by the two renowned experts in the field of stereotaxy Prof. Traugott Riechert and Prof. Fritz Mundinger.
The probe mount of the RM aiming arm offers a high level of mechanical precision. A broad range of accessories provides a universal use of the RM system in the modern stereotaxy service.
Stereotactic system with maximum precision
The high accuracy of the inomed RM system was specially developed to meet the requirements of interventions in functional neurosurgery. The configuration can be easily adjusted for stereotactic brachytherapy. The RM system´s accuracy and stability make it the first choice, especially for procedures in functional neurosurgery.
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